There’s an ongoing debate in poultry farming: Are gut health issues the problem, or is it the environmental bioburden causing disease risk?
Some say the gut microbiome is naturally strong, and the real issue is the overwhelming load of harmful bacteria in the environment. Others argue that gut resilience is just as important. But is it really one or the other?
What I’ve Seen Firsthand
I tested both approaches on my own broiler farms. I focused on reducing environmental bioburden alone, and I focused on gut health alone. Neither delivered the consistency and cost-effectiveness I needed. That’s why I developed Enviro Spore to bring both elements together in a way that actually works on-farm.
During a thin, stress levels spike.
Birds release corticosterone, which slows digestion, weakens gut integrity, and suppresses immune function. At the same time, changes in litter moisture, ammonia levels, and bacterial load create a perfect storm for gut disruption. Beneficial microbes lose ground to harmful bacteria like E. coli and Clostridium, leading to poorer FCR, gut inflammation, and increased disease risk.
The Balanced Approach That Works
Gut health and environmental control aren’t separate issues, they’re interconnected. If the gut microbiome was always “fine,” birds wouldn’t struggle with disease even when pathogens are present. Likewise, even a well-balanced gut can be overwhelmed if birds are constantly exposed to harmful bacteria in their bedding and environment.
That’s why Enviro Spore works both ways, it reduces the harmful bacteria in the environment and supports beneficial microbes in the gut. The result? More consistent performance, better litter quality, and a cost-effective solution that actually delivers results.
What’s Your Experience?
Have you tried focusing on just one approach? Did it work for you, or did you find a balance was needed?